
This is an old revision of the document!

Module "Ribbed slab"

Module Ribbed slab

The input is divided into:

  • general information about the project and the considered structural element
  • definitions of the structural system
  • definitions of the cross section
  • input of the loads
  • informations about vibration parameters
  • calculation options

The input field "General" defines the service class. It is only allowed to use CLT elements in areas of service class 1 and 2.

  • Service class 1 (interior service condition) is in general consistent with a common utilisation of living spaces.
  • Service class 2 (protected exterior service condition) is generally used for open but roofed structures.

Input - General - Service class

· 2017/11/14 17:11

In this release, only single span girder can be calculated. The supporting width and span (via x-value in the table) can be defined within this input field.

Input - structural system

The input of the CLT cross section is the same as for the Module "CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam".

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Die Definition des Rippenquerschnittes (Rechteckquerschnitt aus BSH oder Vollholz) erfolgt über die Eingabe der Höhe und Breite der Rippe sowie Auswahl des Materials.

Input - cross section of the rib

The input is the same as for the Module "CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam", but limited to distributed loads.

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In this module, currently no structural fire design is possible.

The input is the same as for the Module "CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam".

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The stiffness values of the CLT-plate and the GLT-beam as well as the shear spring, which are shown in the upper section of the tab "cross-section values" are parameters for the determination of the effective width.

Stiffness values of the CLT plate as well as of the rib and the shear spring

Underneath, the effective width, the center of gravity as well as the bending and shear stiffness of the T-beam at the supports and in between are shown.

Cross section values at supports

The summary of the results is analogous to the Module "CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam".

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However, there are differences for ULS - shear, since for the CLT-flange also the in-plane shear has to be considered.

Summary of the results

  • en/clt/hotspot/software/cltdesigner/manual/modul_tbeam.1585219583.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/03/26 11:46
  • by Alexandra Thiel