This is an old revision of the document!
CLTdesigner - Versions and changes
Date | Version | Modules concerned | Changes |
13.04.2011 | 2.0 a | CLT-Plate 1D - Internal forces | - interaction M+N for internal forces according to 2nd order theory: no quadratic interaction if M=0 |
09.05.2011 | 2.0 b | All | - Cross section definition for products: Display problem fixed |
09.05.2011 | 2.0 c,d | CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam | - KLED of imposed loads modified according to Eurocode or NA |
01.06.2011 | 2.0 e | CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam | - PreferencesDialog: Limit-Spinner.commitEdit() invoked when pressing OK |
28.06.2011 | 2.1 | All | - Products Hasslacher - Displaying the storage location on the window - Output of the deflection in mm in the pdf report |
17.08.2011 | 2.1 a | All | - MM 7ss-layups and MOE fixed |
28.02.2012 | 2.2 | - Spanish version - Stora Enso and Finnforest removed - Preferred cross sections implemented - Material according approvalsfixed - new layups Haas (Timbory) and Hasslacher - in-plane shear corrected for double layers - national annex DE - User-Preferences established |
24.08.2012 | 3.0 | - shear analogy method - vibration verification according to Hamm/Richter and Hamm/Richter mod. - vibration check according to ON B extended by vibration acceleration - layups Haas and Hasslacher updated - new material for Hasslacher according to ETA - user-defined combination coefficients, safety factors and kdef values - Preferences revised |
03.01.2013 | 3.0 a | - Binder removed - Hasslacher material ETA set as default value |
16.01.2013 | 3.1 | - new KLH layups - charring rate of KLH changed - tensile strength of KLH changed - Tension check for transverse layers changed |
21.01.2013 | 3.1 a | - Bug in vibration verification for cross section widths unequal 1m corrected | |
21.06.2013 | 3.2 | - new Hasslacher layups - adhesive for Hasslacher changed - problem with tables on Mac fixed - SLS combination problem with wind and snow when load position "Total" fixed |
21.06.2013 | 3.2 a | - problem with dead load + snow fixed | |
22.07.2013 | 3.3 | - new Derix layups - new MM layups - Bug with dead load and ProjectPreferences fixed - display of bef with screed fixed |
12.02.2014 | 3.4 | - new Hasslacher layups | |
30.04.2014 | 3.5 | - Rolling shear strength KLH according to ETA-06/0138 (2012-2017) modified - mistake in writing in Hasslacher layups corrected - display problem of utilization ratios in case of fire in module "CLT-Plate 1D - internal forces" fixed |
06.06.2014 | 3.5 a | CLT-Plate 1D - Continuous beam | - Bug for beams with cantilevers in showing utilization ratios fixed, as well as the differences between summary and details |
21.07.2014 | 3.5 b | - signed jar-File | |
07.04.2015 | 3.5 c | - GUIPreferences user-defined cursor excluded, because error message to a user | |
29.07.2015 | 3.6 | - Binder and Stora Enso layups included - ON B1995-1-1:2014 implemented - disregarding of short cantilevers in SLS verification - bug with stiffness criterion (vibrations) for continuous beams fixed |
29.07.2015 | 3.6 a | - NullpointerException at VibrationCalculatorEN fixed | |
30.11.2015 | 4.0 | Compression perpendicular to grain | - bug in detail view according to DIN 2010 fixed |
- implementation of DIN 2013 - bug when displaying the help fixed - kmod values according to ON B 2014 adjusted - bug when changing the calculation method fixed - bug at buckling fixed |
02.12.2015 | 4.0 a | CLT-Plate 1D - Internal forces | - saving problem and locale problem solved |
09.12.2015 | 4.0 b | - Haas layups removed | |
22.12.2015 | 4.0 c | Full version | - problem with layer selection for user-defined cross sections fixed |
31.03.2016 | 4.0 d | Decker, Derix | - problem with decimal format in case of vibrations solved |
31.03.2016 | 5.0 | Full version, Hasslacher, MM | - problem with decimal format in case of vibrations solved - Module "Ribbed slab" implemented |
06.04.2016 | 4.0 e | Decker, Derix | - bug with the loads after file opening fixed - deleting of results if support width is changed |
06.04.2016 | 5.0 a | Full version, Hasslacher, MM | - bug with the loads after file opening fixed - deleting of results if support width is changed |
01.08.2016 | 5.0 b | Full version, Hasslacher, MM | - bug with preferences after file opening fixed - bug at ribbed slab with different GLT strength classes fixed - calculation of in-plane shear stiffness and twisting stiffness according to ON B 1995-1-1:2015 |
01.08.2016 | 4.0 f | Decker, Derix | - bug with preferences after file opening fixed - calculation of in-plane shear stiffness and twisting stiffness according to ON B 1995-1-1:2015 |
24.05.2017 | 6.0 | - bug at shear stiffness of ribbed slabs fixed - compression perpendicular to grain to one-sided load application extended - ribbed slab: bug with too small GLT beam height fixed - structural fire design: bug when reading the file (charring rate, heat resistant and side bonded) fixed - Module CLT-Plate loaded in plane: fire update problem fixed - Module "Horizontal load distribution on shear walls" - Module "Stiffness matrix" - Extension "Concentrated loads" - Products of Cross Timber Systems implemented - Products of Decker removed - PDF-Export of detailed results - vibration check on cantilevers |
07.06.2017 | 6.1 | - products of Decker implemented | |
04.07.2017 | 6.2 | Horizontal load distribution on shear walls - Full version, Hasslacher | - display bug as well as a save/open problem when adding walls fixed |
10.07.2017 | 6.3 | Full version, all company versions | - linkMaterial=true - remember material selection if new product from the same company is selected |
17.07.2017 | 6.4 | Full version, all company versions | - bug fixed when opening module "internal forces" with respect to the cross section in case of fire - fixed bug when opening a file in respect to rotated products - preferred cross sections removed |
01.09.2017 | 6.5 | Full version, all company versions | - bug with user-defined combination coefficients fixed - bug in module "CLT-Plate loaded in-plane" - fire cross section and pdf report as well as saving - fixed |
25.10.2017 | 6.6 | Full version, all company versions | - KLH layups updated - NA NL - NL - compression perpendicular to grain: limits for kc,90 |
21.12.2017 | 6.7 | Full version, all company versions | - Hasslacher layups updated - Bug when defining a width in module "CLT-Plate 1D - continuous beam" - text field charring rate: value acceptance in case of loss of focus |
22.12.2017 | 6.7.1 | Full version, Hasslacher | - Hasslacher layups 7s and 8s updated |
11.01.2018 | 6.7.2 | Full version, Hasslacher | - Hasslacher layup 5s-150 added |
11.06.2018 | 6.8 | Full version, all company versions | - optimization of layups - start calculation button in toolbar - Choice of language at first start - calculation of bef for ribbed slabs only when pressing the button - fire: calculation of ta - bug shear stress in pdf report fixed - bug with the kdef values in the settings/preferences fixed - Material Derix-ETA added - kcr for shear strength of material EN 338 and EN 14080 considered - ribbed slab - layer wise verification - layups Piveteaubois (HEXA2) - compression perpendicular to grain according to Brandner 2018 |
06.08.2018 | 6.9 | Full version, all company versions | - bug in the output of the material parameters fixed - bug in the output of cross section values in case of fire for different calculation methods fixed - Gamma method - new ETA Hasslacher - NA FR - layups Piveteaubois (HEXA1) |
19.09.2018 | 6.9.1 | Full version, all company versions | - new logos Hasslacher and Derix - preferences: bug with selection of calculation method if gamma is not available, fixed |
08.10.2018 | 6.10 | Full version, all company versions | - layups best wood SCHNEIDER - pdf report: changes to the page layout - resources NL completed - utilization ratios in case of vibrations - bug in the display of utilization ratios in case of fire in the module "internal forces" fixed - bug in CSInputPanel in case of fire and automatic calculation fixed |
23.10.2018 | 6.10.1 | Full version, all company versions | - material Radiusholz (only available in the testing version) - Material allocation HEXA1 T - units in module "horizontal load distribution on shear walls" - Winst,Q instead of winst,G+Q for NA FR |
07.11.2018 | 6.10.2 | Full version, Derix | - logo Derix |
08.11.2018 | 6.10.3 | Full version | - material Binder |
22.11.2018 | 6.10.4 | Full version, all company versions | - w_fin and w_net,fin revised |
14.12.2018 | 6.10.5 | Full version, all company versions | - default setting for neglecting own weight g0 changed - bug with Gamma method, if Det=0 fixed |
17.01.2019 | 6.10.6 | Full version, all company versions | - Bug in SLS NA FR fixed |
29.01.2019 | 6.10.7 | Full version, all company versions | - take over SLS limits in the settings (without pressing Enter) - translation FR - bug in wperm for vibrations according to DIN fixed |
18.02.2019 | 6.10.8 | Full version, all company versions | - Name of MM changed - cross section of Piveteaubois 3s 80 changed - translations FR revised - horizontal load distribution on shear walls: selection of producers implemented |
11.03.2019 | 6.10.9 | Full version, all company versions | - horizontal load distribution on shear walls: selection of center of rotation of a wall implemented - fixed bug when opening a Piveteaubois layup |
01.04.2019 | 6.11 | Full version, all company versions | - Binderholz removed - file open problems fixed |
02.04.2019 | 6.11.1 | Full version, all company versions | - cross section library edited - effektive width for the stiffness criterion EC5 edited (1m or room width, if < 1m) |
23.05.2019 | 6.12 | Full version, all company versions | - products KLH updated - material update for Stora Enso and Hasslacher - terms of use revised |
27.05.2019 | 6.12.1 | Full version, Hasslacher | - old material of Hasslacher removed |
13.06.2019 | 6.12.2 | Full version, Cross Timber Systems | - old material of Stora Enso removed - charring rate CTS changed to side bonded - update problem charring rate fixed |
18.07.2019 | 6.12.3 | Full version, all company versions | - revised terms of use FR - NA FR: w2 changed - amount of g1,k as fragil - Derix layups L100-5s, L110-5s, L120-5s added |
27.09.2019 | 6.13 | Full version, all company versions | - PDF report - problem with empty page after TOC fixed - material of KLH revised - MM - adjustment according to ETA (material and fire) - bug in charring rates after file opening fixed |
16.10.2019 | 6.13.1 | Full version, MM | - MM: ration board thickness to width t/a = 4, default calculation method GAMMA |
07.01.2020 | 6.14 | Full version, Derix | - Derix: new ETA and layups, selection of adhesive PUR/MUF |
03.02.2020 | 6.14.1 | Full version | - selection of producers revised - material NORDIC-1950Fb-No.3 edited |
13.02.2020 | 6.14.2 | Full version, all company versions | - fixed bugs regarding fire data when switching producers |
09.03.2020 | 7.0 | Full version, all company versions | - module SHERPA CLT-Connector - material library |
24.03.2020 | 7.0.1 | Full version, Cross Timber Systems, Hasslacher, MM | - module ribbed slab: fixed bug when generating pdf report |
01.05.2020 | 7.0.2 | Full version | - best wood SCHNEIDER removed |
11.05.2020 | 7.0.3 | Full version, all company versions | - new certificate - fixed bug regarding cross-section library in case of fire |
27.05.2020 | Cross Timber Systems | - deleted | |
28.05.2020 | 7.0.4 | Full version | - Cross Timber Systems removed - rho_mean of material Stora Enso changed |
13.07.2020 | 7.0.5 | Full version, Cross Timber Systems | - Cross Timber Systems added |
16.07.2020 | 7.0.6 | Full version, all company versions | - fixed bug regarding shown results in detail for shear analogy & fire |
25.09.2020 | 7.1 | Full version, all company versions | - module continuous beam: fixed bug regarding concentrated loads near supports |
03.12.2020 | 7.2 | Full version, all company versions | - ETA-09/0036 of 2.9.2020 - Fire revised - fixed inconsistencies regarding ksys and 1/ksys - problem with gamma method using different materials in cross section solved - highlighting special layup Derix |
18.12.2020 | 7.2.1 | Full version, all company versions | - fixed bug in the pdf report regarding cross-section values |
15.03.2021 | 7.3 | Full version, all company versions | - Piveteaubois: changed densities - NA FR: ULS fire - additional combinations - Straightness factor βc added to the settings - Hasslacher: new material CL26E11.8 according to ETA-12/0281 of 09.11.2020 |
04.06.2021 | 7.4 | Full version, all company versions | - Cross Timber Systems removed - module CLT-Plate 1D - Internal forces: bug in cross-section values in pdf file fixed (with SAV and Gamma method) - Short summary - Hasslacher: layerwise material selection (for ti ≥ 40 mm CL26E11.8 and CL36E14.7 according to ETA-12/0281 of 09.11.2020 available) - Optimizer: Bug with temp file name under Windows fixed |
22.07.2021 | 8.0 | Full version | - module wall |
10.12.2021 | 8.1 | Full version, all company versions | - Decker: new layups - fixed bug showing fire details for company products after opening an old file - fixed bug in the pdf report when short cantilevers were neglected - fixed bug in the calculation of the shear stiffness of 3s in the weak direction - fire: user-defined values of minimum residual layer thickness enabled |
16.12.2021 | 8.1.1 | Full version | - fire & Piveteaubois: falling-off layers also in case of walls |
20.12.2021 | 8.1.2 | Full version, Hasslacher, MM | - module T-Beam: default material rib GL24h - EN 14080 |
28.06.2022 | 8.2 | Full version, all company versions | - best wood SCHNEIDER included - module wall: bug fixed in calculation of nxy torsion in case of fire - module continuous beam: bug fixed for SAV & fire & only 1 longitudinal layer and 1 cross layer - module CLT-Plate loaded in plane extended to Brandner & Dietsch et al. 2015 - modules ribbed slab and wall revised regarding speed |
18.07.2022 | 8.2.1 | Full version | - modules wall and plate loaded in plane: bug fixed for Piveteaubois & fire (falling off of charred layers) |